Non-Profit Brand Identity Redesign
This rebrand project included choosing an existing non-profit organization and entirely redesigning their brand in a way that better represented the organization. The chosen organization was Lanark County Interval House, an organization that supports survivors of domestic violence and helps to empower and educate the community.
Target Audience
This logo will appeal primarily to donors, which includes individuals, businesses, service organizations, and charitable foundations. It will be viewed publically by participants, volunteers and supporters/funders. The logo’s appeal must encompass all ages, lifestyle, culture and interests within the context of the organization. It will also be displayed on uniforms, so it should appeal to the organization's team and staff. The target audience will also include clients of the Interval House, so it should appeal to them as well.
The brand values of this organization for this project were strength, safety, commnity, welcoming, empowerement, trustworthiness and femininity. These values are all important for an interval house because of who the clients are and what they have overcome. Values like empowerment and trust also appeal to stakeholders, donors, and employees.
The symbol of this logo is a phoenix. There are a few reasons I've chosen this symbol; primarily, the phoenix (also referred to as a fire bird) is often associated with "rising from the ashes" or new beginnings, which is a crucial message for this organization, with clients who are overcoming domestic violence situations. The wings on this phoenix were also drawn to represent open arms, embracing and welcoming clients and volunteers. 
The logo type is a simple but elegant sans serif, Gill Sans. It is easy to read at many sizes, which is crucial for a logo. It also has many different weights that could be used in applications, and is incredibly versatile. A sans serif was used because it fits nicely with the sans serif typeface.
The colours used are pink and orange, and are both pantone colours (coated), as per the project specifications. The pink is Pantone 1925C, a bright warm pink, that is strong but still feminine, and the orange is Pantone 1565C, a fiery but not intimidating orange. These colours were chosen to continue following the story outlined by the brand values, and embrace strong, feminine empowerment.
For this project, I chose an organization local to my home area. Lanark County Interval House is an organization focused on helping women who have survived domestic violence. Their values include strength, femininity, trust, and safety. For the logo redesign I created a phoenix logo that uses strong but feminine colours and represents new beginnings. The applications were chosen to represent how the new branding would be used. The clothing applications were for both staff and clients, and were created with comfort in mind. The social media was created for both an educational approach and community outreach initiatives.
The second part of this project was to apply the new brand identity to a stationery set, one digital application, and one or two additional applications. The  brand personality was to be demonstrated throughout all applications. The chosen digital application was a social media page, and the chosen additional applications were uniforms and a website.
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