This information design project included selecting a topic relating to electric vehicles (EVs) and creating an informative piece using charts and graphs. The solution compares the effeciency of four top-rated EVs of 2022, and visualizes this data. 
Charts & Information
The charts use demonstrtate data that is explained other places on the infographic. The “Base vs Trim Level Pricing” shows the difference between trim levels in each EV model. This means that there are different packages for each vehicle, the least expensicve being “Base Level” and most expensive being “Trim Level”. Trim is also referred to as touring or luxury in some vehicles. The different “choices” on the left side break down what each vehicle is best for, i.e. luxury, full time car, or long-range, secondary vehicle, or, shorter-range, every day vehicle. The Characteristic comparison compares different elements within each vehicle: horsepower, range per chagre, and kWh battery size.
Type & Hierarchy
The type hierarchy uses heavier weights, larger point sizes for more crucial elements, and smaller point sizes, lighter font weight for less important elements. The whitespace is used to give key type a more prominent presence on the page, as well as to leave some room so that the design doesn’t feel tight or squished together. The typeface used is Avenir, as it has many different weights and is a sans-serif, which is easier to read than a serifed font. Avenir also uses a double-story “a”, which helps to distinguish that letter from “o”. The lowercase l is also decently easy to distinguish from the number 1 in this typeface. 
Visual Language
This infographic is designed to be legible and follow a clear hierarchy of type and other visual elements, using modern, high-tech colour schemes and easy to read, sans-serif fonts. Using a dark background really adds to this modern feeling, while not removing from the design’s ability to show information. Using close-cropped images to maintain open whitespace, and a cluster to help the title section stand apart from other elements helps with avoiding a cluttered appearance. 
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